Tom Hardwick-Allan

Scrying the Slice

14 October - 19 November 2022 (extended)

South Parade is pleased to present Tom Hardwick-Allan’s first UK solo exhibition, Scrying the Slice, which is accompanied by a studio log (link below) that traces metonymic links between falconry, printmaking, digestion, decomposition, recreation, 123, XYZ and the blastosphere.

Tom Hardwick-Allan (b. 1996 in Derbyshire, UK) lives and works in London. Recent solo exhibitions include Going Light, Zarinbal Khoshbakht (Cologne, 2021). Selected group exhibitions include Elif Saydam / Tom Hardwick-Allan, Lady Helen (Berlin, 2022), Pygostyle, The Residence Gallery (London, 2022), Meltdown, Ridley Road Project Space (London, 2022), Pathways on Paper, South Parade (London, 2022), Von der schenkenden Tugend, Zarinbal Khoshbakht (Cologne, 2021), &zines, Weinspach, Zarinbal Khoshbahkt (Cologne, 2021),
“Hope” is the thing with feathers, South Parade (London, 2021), Casting the Runes, 108 Fleet Street (London, 2021), Winter Wonderland, Fan Fiction International (Hyde Park, 2021), The Correspondence, Residence Gallery (London, 2020), Flow my Tears, Acud Galerie (Berlin, 2020), In the tame beasts eyes, Zarinbal Khoshbakht (Cologne, 2020) and Breathless: London Art Now, Ca’ Pesaro (Venice, 2019) - curated by Norman Rosenthal & Harry Woodlock.

Figure 11 (Feeding Chart), 2022. Rubber Bands, 313 x 187 cm

ᛚ, 2022. Acrylic, ink, marker, fine-liner and biro on carved birch plywood, 76 x 79 x 2.4 cm

(Detail) ᛚ, 2022.

(Detail) ᛚ, 2022

(Detail) ᛚ, 2022

𐑕, 2022. Acrylic, ink, marker, fine-liner and biro on carved birch plywood, 50 x 41 x 2.4 cm

(Detail) 𐑕, 2022

Ԑ, 2022. Acrylic, ink, market, fine-liner, biro and pencil on carved birch plywood, 78 x 66 x 2.4 cm

(Detail) Ԑ, 2022

(Detail) Ԑ, 2022

𐊀, 2022. Acrylic, ink, marker, fine-liner and biro on carved birch plywood, 57 x 57 x 2.4 cm

(Detail) 𐊀, 2022

(Detail) 𐊀, 2022

(Detail) 𐊀, 2022

ट, 2022. Acrylic, ink, marker, fine-liner and biro on carved birch plywood, 55 x 52 x 2.4 cm

(Detail) ट, 2022

(Detail) ट, 2022

(Detail) ट, 2022

მ, 2022. Acrylic, ink, marker, fine-liner and biro on carved birch plywood, 64 x 56 x 2.4 cm

(Detail) მ, 2022

(Detail) მ, 2022

٢, 2022. Acrylic, ink, marker, fine-liner and biro on carved birch plywood, 45 x 40.5 x 2.4 cm

(Detail) ٢, 2022

8, 2022. Acrylic, ink, marker, fine-liner and biro on carved birch plywood, 100 x 74 x 2.4 cm

(Detail) 8, 2022

୧, 2022. Acrylic, ink, marker, fine-liner and biro on carved birch plywood, 107 x 102 x 2.4 cm

୧, 2022

୧, 2022

Z (lightning slices tree), 2022. Wood engraving print on Zerkall paper, 19 x 19 cm, 1/11 + 3 AP’s

Y (falcon feeds atop slice of fallen tree), 2022. Wood engraving print on Zerkall paper, 19 x 19 cm, 1/11 + 3 AP’s

X (falcon slices mute into falconer), 2022. Wood engraving print on Zerkall paper, 19 x 19 cm, 1/11 + 3 AP’s

(Detail) Figure 11 (Feeding Chart), 2022

Woodcut Books, 2019. Wood cut prints mounted on birch plywood, dimensions various

Photography: Corey Bartle-Sanderson